East Providence Opportunity Zone

The City's investment prospectus, describing the City's opportunity zone and economic attributes, is provided in the link below: 

East Providence Prospectus

East Providence Opportunity Zone - General Locus Map

East Providence Opportunity Zone- Tract 104

East Providence Opportunity Zone - Detailed Map

Opportunity Zone Tract 104

Selected Census Data For Opportunity Zone Tract 104 

Census Mapper

Treasury, IRS proposed regulations on Opportunity Zones


List of other incentives that may be available to Opportunity Zone investors

In addition to tax credits offered under Opportunity Zone legislation, investors may be able to take advantage concurrently of other incentive programs offered through the following federal, state and local incentive programs:   


New Market Tax Credits:  https://www.cdfifund.gov/programs-training/Programs/new-markets-tax-credit/Pages/default.aspx

Low income Housing Tax Credits: https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/lihtc.html


Historic Preservation Tax Credits:  http://www.preservation.ri.gov/credits/commstate.php

Qualified Jobs Incentive Tax Credit: https://commerceri.com/tax-credits-and-financing/

Rebuild Rhode Island Tax Credit:  https://commerceri.com/tax-credits-and-financing/

State of Rhode Island Tax Increment Financing: https://commerceri.com/tax-credits-and-financing/


City of East Providence Tax Stabilization Program: https://www.eastprovidencebusiness.com/tax-stabilization-program

Waterfront District:

Waterfront District Tax Increment Financing (TIF):  https://www.eastprovidencewaterfront.com/business-assistance/tax-increment-financing/

Image icon Current Chevron Site Aerial72.1 KB