East Providence Workforce Training Program

Workforce Training Certificate Program
City of East Providence and Roger Williams University Workforce Training Program
City of East Providence and Roger Williams University Workforce Training Certificate Program

Jumpstart your career with the East Providence Workforce Program. Completely FREE for low-to-moderate income East Providence residents and workers. Coursework is geared towards improving career advancement by cultivating industry-specific, computer, and leadership skills.

The City of East Providence Workforce Training Program offers 11 courses through Roger Williams University’s University College. The career-oriented programming offers training in Microsoft Office, social media marketing, accounting and bookkeeping, project management, and medical office specialist.

Courses in the East Providence Workforce Program will be free to eligible East Providence residents and workers. Participants must be low-to-moderate income (up to 100% AMI), and either live in East Providence OR work in East Providence. Applicants will be vetted for income and residence/workplace requirements through the enrollment process. 

Jumpstart your career with new skills or certifications from the FREE classes through the East Providence Workforce Program. The first round of classes start May 7th, 2024, and will be held in East Providence at Breed Hall, next to the Senior Center (610 Waterman Ave, East Providence, RI 02914).

To enroll in a course, please fill out the enclosed form and upload the document in the registration link. Your registration will only be finalized once the form is submitted and approved by the City of East Providence. Select the link below to visit the Roger Williams University Information and Registration webpage:
